Sunday, December 2, 2018

Author Sajjad Paracha , Syed Baqir Ali

Highly Effective Teams
A solution using Kanban methodology.
What is Kanban (/ˈkanban/)
•       Kanban is a Japanese word and it means signboard.
•       It is a technique being used in software and manufacturing industry to boost productivity and visualize the jobs in hand and in backlog in the most convenient way.

Companies using Kanban
•       Toyota
•       Microsoft
•       Google
•       Spotify
•       VMWare
•       VOLVO IT

Video explaining Kanban

Some simple rules
•       Any activity being worked on must be on Kanban board and not through email, phone call, messaging or another means.
•       If it is not on Kanban board it will not be done.
•       If it is on Kanban board it will be done quickly.
•       Stop starting , start finishing.
•       Limit multitasking by applying limits in columns , e.g. when there are 3 cards in the test column no new cards will be added unless the existing cards are moved to the next column.
•       When we limit the no of tasks in a column we might find out that we have nothing to do because we are waiting for someone else ,and try to start a new project/task , this is where bad multitasking happens. Instead of starting something new we should focus on what is causing this delay and try to fix it.

Color coding

•       It helps us ensure that we are working on the most important things
•       RED : Important and urgent
•       Yellow : Medium
•       Green : Good to Have (Internal improvements , 20% of time should be invested to these improvements)
•       PINK : Cards stuck somewhere else and need to be reviewed twice daily for what can be done to expedite these cards.

Kanban Card Format

•       It makes demand and work in progress visible.
•       Helps for reporting
•       Since you can easily visualize things on your plate you can easily say no to less important tasks or keep them under your backlog with low priority.
•       It helps you avoid multitasking and getting interrupted.
•       Always keep looking at your Kanban board and keep things moving.
•       Me and Baqir have developed this habit , daily in morning we look at our Kanban board and what ever we can do in terms of follow-up for each item we do it first.
•       Then we start working on the moving things in order to finish them off.

Book Recommendation
•       The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement
•       The Phoenix Project